At Lighthouse Church, we support missions because we believe in spreading the gospel to every corner of the world. We believe that God calls us to go beyond our local community and share the good news with all people. By supporting both local and international missions, we are helping to build God’s kingdom here on earth. Every partnership, prayer, and contribution to missions is an investment in touching lives and transforming hearts in profound ways.

Care Net of Dane County
Care Net is a Christian organization offering care and counseling for unplanned pregnancy. Since its inception in 1985, the Center has served free of charge more than 9,000 women in unplanned pregnancies, often including their families and male partners.

Christian Ministries in Africa
David & Jennifer Hatley
Pastor David and Jennifer Hatley have been serving in Kenya since 1985. They planted a church in Dandora and since then more than 250 churches led by national pastors have been started in Kenya, and others in the neighboring African nations including Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania. hey also operate four Grace Children’s Center Orphanage Homes including campuses for healthy and with HIV/AIDS infected children, as well as rehabilitation for street boy.

Collaboration Project
The Collaboration Project exists to foster collaboration between churches for the good of the city of Madison/Dane County. #soallmayflourish. We believe that God has called the church to be united in Christ and that when we are, it brings glory to God and love to our community. We work in four areas. First, Storytelling to celebrate what God is already doing. Second Affinity, where we come together with community leaders to consider ways to work together, ways for the church to serve the community. Third, Pastoral Care and Connection and finally, Collaboration Events where things actually happen! The founder and executive director of the Collaboration Project is Jon Anderson.

Fishers of Men Ministries Haiti
Dr. Jay & Linda Threadgill
Dr. Jay Threadgill graduated from International Bible Institute and Seminary, Orlando FL, and has received his Doctorate in Biblical Studies from Jacksonville Theological Seminary. He and his wife have served the Lord in the nation of Haiti for the past 24 years. They are the senior ministers of COTR-Port Au Prince, which has grown from 6, to over 7000! Fishers of Men Ministries has planted over 25 churches throughout the nation, as well as 14 academic schools, and 4 accredited Bible schools. Fishers of Men also facilitates a feeding program, which last year fed nearly 3000 students throughout the city and in the rural areas of Haiti.

Impact Movement
Kesha Wilkinson
The Impact Movement is a national ministry that seeks to equip Black students to be disciples of Jesus Christ." "Kesha Wilkinson works with the Impact Movement in Milwaukee, WI as the State Director overseeing all Impact chapters at Wisconsin universities. The Impact Movement equips Black students to become disciples of Jesus Christ who integrate their faith into every aspect of their life. Through evangelism, discipleship, and study of the Bible, every student involved in Impact is challenged to enthusiastically embrace and critically understand their ethnic identity as integral to the ministry of the Gospel on campus, in the community, and throughout the world.

Just One International
Maddie Trncic
Just One International is an organization that works in Aguas del Padre, Honduras. Their mission is based on Isaiah 1:17 which says. “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” They carry out this mission through a High School and College Scholarship project, a community feeding program, and a Family Empowerment Project. The founder is a young woman from Wisconsin named Maddie Trncic who came to see God’s greater vision for the solution to poverty in this small community. Just One was established in March 2019. Maddie has been serving the community for over 8 years and is a firm believer that the best way to influence the future, is to educate it.

Madison Area Jail Ministry
Chaplain Todd Marcotte
The Madison Area Jail Ministry is headed up by Chaplain Todd Marcote. He brings the ministry of God’s presence to hurting people who often come from backgrounds of poverty, lack of education, mental illness (40%), addiction/drug and alcohol abuse (75%) and childhood trauma. The jail may be the only introduction to Jesus they have. The Jail ministry provides counseling, education, and literature that bring understanding of the hope that is to be found in God. Besides the Chaplain, there is a team of over 30 people who are volunteers in this ministry.

Ministerio Jesucristo de la Roca de Poder
Jehu & Mayra Hernandez
Pastor Jehu and his wife Mayra serve in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Pastor Jehu was ordained by Lighthouse Church in Madison in 2003 and then joined his father in Ministerio Jesuscristo la Roca de Poder de Mexico. He has been Senior Pastor of Iglesia Dios Proveera Sobre la Roca in Nuevo Laredo since 2010. They have sent missionaries throughout Mexico and established many churches.

Mission Ministries - Palestine
Andrew & Karen Bush
Andrew Bush originally is from New Mexico where he was called from pastoring into full time missions. He and his wife Karen went to Manila, Philippines in 1987. They planted Harvesters Christian Fellowship, which now has five congregations led by national pastors. This ministry also reaches out to the poor and feeds many children daily. In 1998 the Lord extended their vision to Palestine. They started Living Stones Student Center in a small university town as a project for the Palestine Bible Society. Their ministry has been to share a message of forgiveness and reconciliation with all people. Now they divide their time between the
Philippines and Palestine.

RAJ Ministries - India
Roy & Jennifer Ramble
RAJ exists to reach the needy downtrodden people of Northern India and Nepal with the love of Christ by encouraging, educating, and equipping them to face life in our world today. Their ministries include: Assembly of God Church School, Mahima Niwas, SEEMA, and the Rupaidiha Community Education Centre.

Supporting Safe Birth (SSB)
Supporting Safe Birth (SSB) was created in 2018 to build the skills of Guatemalan midwives and other birth attendants. Guatemalan midwives provide the majority of care for pregnancy and birth in rural areas but have limited education. The founder and director of Supporting Safe Birth is Nancy Comello. In 2022 Asociación Apoyando el Parto Seguro, the Guatemalan arm of SSB was begun, with Jeannette Yalibat as the director. We provide Helping Mothers and Babies Survive training, supplies, and support to Guatemalan birth attendants at no cost with the goal of saving the lives of mothers and babies.

YWAM Malaysia
Sam & Jennifer Dharam
Sam’s work is with YWAM in Malaysia, where he is an Eldership team member. His “job” is staff coaching and development, strategic planning and leadership development. Sam has traveled extensively ministering and teaching.

Claudia & Ligia
Bogotá, Colombia
Claudia and Ligia are based in Bogota, Colombia where they work with children at risk and at the same time focus on unreached people groups, making trips and projects in needy communities in Latin Americas as well as in Central Asia. They have a desire to mobilize Latin people into missions. They are also part of a team to encourage and motivate churches and young people about Frontier Missions in the northern part of South America.